Friday, April 20, 2012

how to/ diy flag shorts

this project is easy and fun ! turn your old ugly shorts into something cute and in style 
what you will need 
old pair of shorts 
fabric paint ( no it wont wash out ! so wear old clothes doing this) 
foam brush is what i like to use or a regular brush 
sand paper 
and creative ideas (;

 i used my foam brush i did the right side of the leg blue and the strips on the left i wanted a vintage worn feel if you don't paint it in solid i personally think it looks alot better distressed
 add some stars
 i had a hole punch i used a paper bag for my stencil you can also do free hand add as many as you like where ever
 for the gems this glue is the best !! fabric fusion you can get at any craft store i added on my little pocked and some red ones on the belt loops
 this is what the front looks like
 now for the back you could do the pockets the same way i personally think then its too much so i went kind of simple on the back !!! just a heart and few gems the focus point is on the front of the jeans !
 simple back i did
 here is the heart and final project put together !
please check my youtube videos out xoxoamandakisses
be blessed 

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